Jane Haynes

SELLER'S HOME | Determining the list price | Preparing your home | Bring on the buyers | Contract negotiations | Celebrate a closing

Contract negotiations

Choose an agent who won’t be afraid to ask for what you want.

There are many factors involved in negotiating a successful contract, including but not limited to price, financing, terms, date of possession, and inclusion or exclusion of repairs, furnishings, or equipment. Many sellers try to negotiate a commission discount with their agent. If an agent will negotiate away their commission, how on earth will they negotiate on your behalf with your money?

You'll want someone who won’t be afraid to ask for what you want. Everything is negotiable, and successful negotiators know that. They know how to be assertive on your behalf without being aggressive.  (They will take care of your interests while maintaining regard for the interests of others.)

Your agent should be a good listener, and be able to gather as much pertinent information from the buying agent as possible, prior to your negotiation. What are the buyer's needs and options? It's important to understand the other side's situation, and show them how their requirements can be met, while at the same time achieving your desired end result.

Managing the Details
When you venture into new territory, it's always good to have a map or an experienced guide. Your agent should provide the path for you each and every step along the way. They’ll make sure you don’t miss the important dates and deadlines, like getting the earnest money collected and deposited promptly, getting the home inspection scheduled, negotiating any requests from the potential buyer, completing the Attorney Review within the legal time frame, monitoring the mortgage contingency and any other contingencies in the contract to purchase.

No two transactions are the same. The specifics of each contract, the property, the individuals involved, and their circumstances are unique. Most people buy and sell only a few homes in their lifetime, usually with quite a few years between each purchase. You’ll want a professional agent who works in the industry full-time and knows the current laws and regulations. They will know the right questions to ask to run interference for you and protect your interests.

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